
As the venue host, we do not handle all aspects or coordinate the specifics for the events hosted at Panther Island Pavilion. Any event specific questions should be directed to the event organizer, found on the events page or through their registration/ticketing page.
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October 12, 2024


How It Works

Purchase a Ticket

Receive Food & Drink Vouchers to sample Brunch Food and Drink Items! GA Tickets come with 2 Food Vouchers and 3 Drink Vouchers. VIP tickets come with 3 Food Vouchers and 4 Drink Vouchers.

Use vouchers to purchase Tacos & Margs from different vendors

Each voucher Is good for 1 Item(Margaritas, tacos, elote, and much more)

Additional drink vouchers available for purchase at the Festival for $4 each (5 for $20)

Portion of the Proceeds Benefits Alexiam Foundation benefiting Children’s Charities


October 12


Panther Island Pavilion
395 Purcey Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102 United States
+ Google Map